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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 21, 2013 9:24 am    Sujet du message: 5rgjb11i-spun7 Répondre en citant

Alex Lowes Fastest At Thruxton
Shane Byrne likely would have set the pace for last weekend’s opening round belonging to the British Superbike Series, but also from today’s practice sessions at Thruxton it absolutely was the youngster chasing his heels inside championship who led the way that. Fastest within the wet and dry sessions, Alex Lowes and his awesome Samsung Honda started the weekend strong looking to develop relating to the momentum from last weekend’s second-place finishes.“It’s good for being fastest both in the wet also, the dry, particularly the latter whenever i enjoyed a good run while using bike working well, though we still some try to do,” Lowes said. “I love this track with lots of sliding around if you not have any traction control, it's real fun. It's always enjoyable despite the fact that the periods are awesome, it's always what the results are on Sunday that matters what is going on the thing i am working towards.”American PJ Jacobsen impressed many today by shooting close to second put in free practice two, improving his initial results (13th) through the first practice at the time. Being that his novice from the track brilliant first season for a Superbike, the latest Yorker is proving as being a quick study in the competitive series."I am delighted considering the way equipment has gone much more circuit 's all having their first go me, nonetheless have learnt a great deal,” Jacobsen said. “The track perfect for me, suiting my style currently fast and flowing. Hopefully now you can easliy keep this going with this particular seeking to not less than enter the very best ten earlier this week,Louis Vuitton Sito Ufficiale,borse louis vuitton, nonetheless am taking it by instruction by instruction.”But don’t count out Byrne over the Rapid Solicitor Kawasaki, who finished third from the faster afternoon session. “We wished to execute a long run, greater than a race distance and we’ve done can it was subsequently first rate,” Byrne said. “We use a wide range of reliable information to utilize now over the entire weekend.”ResultsFree Practice One:1. Alex Lowes (Samsung Honda) 1:21.6262. Keith Farmer (Rapid Solicitors Kawasaki) 1:22.3113. Jakub Smrz (Padgetts Honda) 1:22.6324. Josh Brookes (Tyco Suzuki) 1:22.7165. Shane Byrne (Rapid Solicitors Kawasaki) 1:22.7936. James Westmoreland (Buildbase BMW) 1:23.1977. Peter Hickman (Llyods British GBMoto Honda) 1:23.5248. James Ellison (Milwaukee Yamaha) 1:23.6199. Josh Waters (Milwaukee Yamaha) 1:23.76910. Michael Rutter (Bathams Honda) 1:24.091Free Practice Two:1. Alex Lowes (Samsung Honda) 1:16.4122. PJ Jacobsen (Tyco Suzuki) 1:16.7063. Shane Byrne (Rapid Solicitors Kawasaki) 1:16.7904. Josh Brookes (Tyco Suzuki) 1:17.0145. Jakub Smrz (Padgetts Honda) 1:17.4776. Michael Rutter (Bathams Honda) 1:17.4797. Josh Waters (Milwaukee Yamaha) 1:17.5278. Chris Walker (Quattro Plant Kawasaki) 1:17.5559. Jon Kirkham (Buildbase BMW) 1:17.70910. James Westmoreland (Buildbase BMW) 1:17.776
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